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in Chapter 6: Population by (98.9k points)

Q4 Give geographical reasons:

a) Population is an important resource.

b) Brazil’s population density is very less.

c) India’s population density is high.

d)The density of population is sparse in Amazon basin.

e) Population density is high in the Ganga plains.


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by (98.9k points)
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Q4 Give geographical reasons:

a) Population is an important resource.

Population is an important resource as it is the human resources that ultimately affect the progress of a country. Its qualitative aspects like literacy and life expectancy contributes to the economic and social progress of a nation. More educated the population, more is the skill supply which will be used by industries to manufacture products. Apart from that, it will lead to more development of technology. This will eventually contribute to the economic prosperity of the country.

b) Brazil’s population density is very less.

Brazil’s population density is very less because almost half of its area is covered by the tropical rainforests of the Amazon basin. The dense forest makes human settlements very difficult in those areas. Extreme climatic conditions like arid and cold areas reduce human population. For example, savannah in Brazil. In both Brazil and India, population is unevenly distributed depending on the physiography with densely forested areas having lesser density.

c) India’s population density is high.

India’s population density is high because most of the areas have natural resources that support agriculture and industries. Other factors like water availability and numerous cities have also caused growth of population. Population in India is unevenly distributed. The northern plains have been densely populated since centuries due to fertile land, availability of water and economic activities. Rivers like Ganga, Yamuna provide large tracts of fertile land apart from water. Also, the terrain is not a difficult one to travel. Due to availability of even fertile land and water, prefer settling in the northern plains as opposed to the desert areas of northwest India.

d)The density of population is sparse in Amazon basin.

The Amazon basin in Brazil has tropical rainforests as it is closer to the equator and it rains throughout the year. It has dense and diverse flora and fauna which is unfavourable for human inhabitation. Almost half of Brazil area is covered by the tropical rainforests of the Amazon basin. The dense forest makes human settlements very difficult in those areas. In both Brazil and India, population is unevenly distributed depending on the physiography with densely forested areas having lesser density.

e) Population density is high in the Ganga plains.

The Ganga plains of India have a high population density due to many reasons. The northern plains have been densely populated since centuries due to fertile land, availability of water and economic activities. Rivers like Ganga, Yamuna provide large tracts of fertile land apart from water. Also, the terrain is not a difficult one to travel. The moderate climate, fertile land supporting extensive agriculture. The topography is good for transport and industries. Due to availability of even fertile land and water, prefer settling in the northern plains as opposed to the desert areas of northwest India.

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