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in DataBase Management System by
DataBase Management System viva question

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by (98.9k points)
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  • What are the characteristics of databases?
  • What is the difference between a file system and a database system?
  • What is data abstraction and data independence?
  • What is DBMS system architecture?
  • What is a Database Administrator?
  • What is the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model?
  • What are the different types of entity sets?
  • What are the different types of attributes?
  • What are the different types of keys?
  • What are the different types of relationship constraints?
  • What is the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) Model?
  • What is Generalization in the EER Model?
  • What is Specialization in the EER Model?
  • What is Aggregation in the EER Model?
  • What is the Relational Model?
  • What is a relational schema?
  • What is the concept of keys in the Relational Model?
  • How is the ER and EER Model mapped to the Relational Model?
  • What are the different operators in Relational Algebra?
  • What are Relational Algebra queries?
  • What is SQL?
  • What are Data Definition Commands in SQL?
  • What are Integrity constraints in SQL?
  • What are Data Manipulation commands in SQL?
  • What are Data Control commands in SQL?
  • What are Set and string operations in SQL?
  • What are aggregate function-group by, having in SQL?
  • What are Views in SQL?
  • What are joins in SQL?
  • What are Nested and complex queries in SQL?
  • What are Triggers in SQL?
  • What are the pitfalls in Relational-Database designs?
  • What is the concept of normalization?
  • What are Function Dependencies?
  • What is First Normal Form?
  • What is Second Normal Form?
  • What is Third Normal Form?
  • What is Boyce-Codd Normal Form?
  • What is the Transaction concept?
  • What are Transaction states?
  • What are the ACID properties?
  • What are Transaction Control Commands?
  • What are Concurrent Executions?
  • What is Serializability?
  • What is Conflict and View in Serializability?
  • What are Lock-based protocols in Concurrency Control?
  • What are Timestamp-based protocols in Concurrency Control?
  • What is the Recovery System?
  • What is Log-based recovery?
  • What is Deadlock handling?

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