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in Chapter10:Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current by (98.9k points)

State under what conditions will a charged particle moving through a uniform magnetic field travel in (i) a straight line (ii) a circular path (iii) a helical path

1 Answer

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by (98.9k points)
(i) A charged particle travels undeviated through a magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) if its velocity \(\vec{v}\) is parallel or antiparallel to . In this case, the magnetic force on the charge is zero.

(ii) A charged particle travels in a circular path within a magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) if its velocity \(\vec{v}\) is perpendicular to \(\vec{B}\).

(iii) A charged particle travels in a helical path through a magnetic field \(\vec{B}\) if its velocity \(\vec{v}\) is inclined at an angle &theta; to \(\vec{B}\) , 0 < &theta; < 90&deg;. In this case, the component of \(\vec{v}\) parallel to \(\vec{B}\) is unaffected by the magnetic field. The radius and pitch of the helix are determined respectively by the perpendicular and parallel components of \(\vec{v}\)

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