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in Chapter 10: States of Matter by (2.0k points)
Explain the reason for deviations of gases from ideal behaviour.

1 Answer

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by (2.0k points)

A deviation from the ideal behaviour is observed at high pressure and low temperature. It is due to two reasons.

  • The intermolecular attractive forces are not negligible in real gases. These do not allow the molecules to collide the container wall with full impact. This results in decrease in the pressure.
  • At high pressure, the molecules are very close to each other. The short range repulsive forces start operating and the molecules behave as small but hard spherical particles. The volume of the molecule is not negligible.
    Therefore, very less volume is available for molecular motion.
  • At very low temperature, the molecular motion becomes slow and the molecules are attracted to each other due to the attractive force. Hence, the behaviour of the real gas deviates from the ideal gas behaviour.
  • Deviation with respect to pressure can be studied by plotting pressure (P) vs volume (V) curve at a given temperature.
  • From the graph, it is clear that at very high pressure, the measured volume is more than theoretically calculated volume assuming ideal behaviour. However, at low pressure, measured and theoretically calculated volumes approach each other.

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