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in Chapter 1.2 On Saying “Please” by (8.1k points)
‘Manners maketh man’ – Expand the idea in your own words with proper examples.

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Manners maketh man

‘Manners maketh Man’ : so goes a famous saying. In the world of today, people are judged by their manners and conduct. Manners distinguish us from animals and make us human. A person who is courteous and considerate towards others is said to possess good manners. Such a person is respectful to his superiors, courteous to his equals and sympathetic towards his subordinates. He always shows concern for the well-being and comfort of others. He uses words like ‘Please’, ‘Thank you’ and ‘Sorry’ while talking to others; he helps senior citizens and those in need.

Everyone likes a person who speaks and behaves politely and treats others respectfully. Good manners cost practically nothing but can buy everything. They win us friends and help us influence people. They make the world a happier place to live in by reducing friction and avoiding tension.

When we meet a person for the first time, it is the person’s courtesy which impresses us deeply. Good manners are generally taught by parents at home, and by teachers in school. Manners that are learnt during childhood generally remain with us throughout our lives. They become a part of our personality. Hence, it is desirable that good manners are instilled in children when they are very young, so that they grow up to become courteous, considerate adults.

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