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in HTML by (3.5k points)
Discuss the properties of flexbox

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The properties of flexbox are:

  • Enable flex behaviors:

To make a flexible container and convert direct children elements into flex items, use the "display" utility.

Additional flex characteristics can be used to further customize flex containers and items.

Default flexbox container:  

 <div class="d-flex p-2">flexbox container</div>

You can also create an inline flexbox container. Responsive variations also exist.

  • Direction:

You can use direction utilities to change the direction of a flex item in a flex container. It is not essential to create a horizontal class because it is set to row by default.

To show the flex items horizontally, use .flex-row (side by side). To right-align the horizontal direction, use .flex-row-reverse.

Use .flex-column to display flex items vertically (on top of each other), or .flex-column-reverse to display them in the other direction.

  • Justify content:

To adjust the alignment of flex elements, use the.justify-content-* classes. Start (default), end, center, between, and around are all valid classes.

  • Align items:

You can change the vertical alignment of single rows of flex items with the .align-items-* classes. .align-items-start, .align-items-end, .align-items-center, .align-items-baseline, and .align-items-stretch (default) are valid classes.

  • Align self:

You can change the vertical alignment of a specific flex item with the .align-self-* classes. .align-self-start, .align-self-end, .align-self-center, .align-self-baseline, and .align-self-stretch (default) are valid classes.

  • Auto margins:

You can easily add auto margins to flex items with .mr-auto which pushes items to the right, or by using .ml-auto which pushes items to the left.

  • Grow:

You can use .flex-grow-1 on a flex item to take up the unused space. In the example below, the second flex item uses all the available space since we have used the .flex-grow-1 class with the second flex item. 

You can use .flex-shrink-1 on a flex item to make it shrink if required.

  • Fill:

You can use .flex-fill on flex items to make them into equal widths.

  • Wrap:

With .flex-nowrap (default), .flex-wrap, or .flex-wrap-reverse, you can control how flex items wrap in a flex container.

  • Order:

With the .order classes, you can change the visual order of a given flex item(s). The number of valid classes ranges from 0 to 12, with the lowest number having the highest importance (order-1 is shown before order-2, etc..).

  • Align content:

You can change the vertical alignment of gathered flex items with the .align-content-* classes. .align-content-start (default), .align-content-end, .align-content-center, .align-content-baseline, and .align-content-stretch are valid classes.

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