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in English by (98.9k points)
If we have to eradicate the superstitions and other ill practices from our society, what steps would you like to suggest?

1 Answer

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by (98.9k points)
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Best answer
I would like to suggest the following steps for eradicating the superstitions and other ill practices from our society.


a) To make the people aware of the things which are good and which are bad for our development and also for the development of our society.


b) To tell them about the ill effects of superstitions on our health.


c) To try to develop the scientific views of the people.


d) To make them aware how common persons are deceived under the names of blind beliefs by some so-called Sadhus.


e) To tell the people not to believe in unknown persons who come

to your doorstep and ask you to make double the money or ornaments.


f) To take the help of the organizations who are working in the field of eradication of superstitions. These organizations will arrange programmes to show the ill impacts of superstitions.


g) To try to develop scientific thinking within common people through practical experiences.





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