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Do you think the doctor’s final solution to the problem was the best possible one in the circumstances?

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Dr. Sadao had saved the life of an American prisoner of war due to his professional and humanitarian duty. But he was loyal to his country too. He told the General about the presence of white man in his house and the General promised to send his private assassins to kill him. But due to his self absorption in his illness, the General forgot to send them. Thus, finally, Dr. Sadao decided to help the soldier escape from there. He gave him a boat, flashlight food and water and asked him to go to a nearby unguarded island. He could look for a Korean boat and escape.

This could be the best solution in the prevailing circumstances. Dr. Sadao was in danger of being caught as a traitor for harbouring the enemy. So, in order to save his reputation and the life of the white man, there could be no better way than what he did.

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