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in Chapter 3 Exogenetic Movements Part 1 by

See the given pictures. Observe the physical appearance of the rocks in each picture. You can see that rocks are broken, fractured and have holes in them. In a picture you can also see that the statue has been deformed. Why are the rocks in such a condition? Think about them and briefly tell the reasons you can think of. Discuss the reasons. Check with the teachers if your reasons are relevant.

1 Answer

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At some places the day temperatures are very high and the night temperatures are very low. In the given pictures the rocks may have broken due to temperature variation during day time and night time. In coastal areas when the sea waves hit the rocks, the rocks fracture and break down. Due to the roots of trees, and activities of burrowing animals like ant, rats etc. in the soft rocks, the rocks break down. The statues might be deformed due to heat and humidity.

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