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in Chapter3:Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation by (3.2k points)

State the law of equipartition of energy and hence calculate molar specific heat of mono- and di-atomic gases at constant volume and constant pressure.

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Law of equipartition of energy states that for a dynamical system in thermal equilibrium the total energy of the system is shared equally by all the degrees of freedom. The energy associated with each degree of freedom per molecule is \(\frac 12\)kBT, where kB is the Boltzmann's constant.

Monatomic gas: For a monatomic gas, each atom has only three degrees of freedom as there can be only translational motion. Hence, the average energy per atom is \(\frac 32\) kBT

The total internal energy per mole of the gas is E= \(\frac 32\) NAkBT … where NA is the Avogadro number.

Therefore, the molar specific heat of the gas at constant volume is

C=\(\frac{dE}{dT}\) = \(\frac 32\) NAk= \(\frac 32\) R

where R is the universal gas constant.

Now, by Mayer’s relation, CP — CV = R, where

CP is the specific heat of the gas at constant pressure.

CP = CV +R = \(\frac 32\) R +R = \(\frac 52\) R

Diatomic gas : Treating the molecules of a diatomic gas as rigid rotators, each molecule has three translational degrees of freedom and two rotational degrees of freedom. Hence, the average energy per molecule is

3(\(\frac 12\) kBT) + 2(\(\frac 12\) kBT)= \(\frac 52\) kBT

The total internal energy of mole is \(\frac 52\) NAkBT

The molar specific heat at a constant volume CV is

For an ideal gas 

CV (monoatomic gas) = \(\frac{dE}{dT}\) = \(\frac 52\) NAk= \(\frac 52\) R

For an ideal gas  CP — CV = R

Where CP is the molar specific heat at constant pressure

thus CP = R +  \(\frac 52\) R =  \(\frac 72\) R

A soft or non-rigid diatomic molecule has, in addition, one frequency of vibration which contributes two quadratic terms to the energy.

Hence, the energy per molecule of a soft diatomic molecule is

E = 3(\(\frac 12\) kBT) + 2(\(\frac 12\) kBT) + 2(\(\frac 12\) kBT)= \(\frac 72\) kBT

Therefore energy per mole of a soft diatomic module is

E = \(\frac 72\) kBT × NA = \(\frac 72\) RT

In this case CV  = \(\frac{dE}{dT}\) = \(\frac 72\) R and 

CP = CV + R = \(\frac 72\) R + R = \(\frac 92\) R

[Note :for monatomic gas adiabatic constant, γ =  CP/CV = \(\frac 53\), for a diatomic gas γ = \(\frac 75\) or \(\frac 97\)]

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