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computer science college website project maharashtra board

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 <p>We create leaders</p>

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<div id="Library" class="container">
 A Library is the soul of any educational institution. The curriculum and teaching methods in Pragati College of Arts & Commerce e require both intensive and extensive use of the materials in the library. Keeping in view its essential role, the library is being constantly enriched by the acquisition of latest books and journals. This helps the library to keep in pace with changing times and to further the advancement of the academic endeavors of the college. 

Objectives of the Library:
To acquire develop, maintain and provide a qualitative and quantitative collection of Books, Periodicals and other instructional material to support the academic program and educational objectives of the college.

To encourage use of variety of resources to help prepare students for success in information and technological age and for lifelong learning.

To collaborate with other libraries through a planned resource sharing programme.
<div id="lab" class="container">

 <p><strong>Computer and Internet :</strong></p>
 <p>The college has two spacious computer laboratories equipped with 48 Desktop systems - Lab I - 25 Computers, Lab II - 23 Computers with&nbsp; 1 LCD Projector&nbsp; and 1 Lap top. Our computer labs are well equipped with fully air-conditioned and high-end internet facility with 50 Mbps dedicated leased line. &nbsp;The administrative blocks, academic blocks, library and other buildings of the campus are connected through the Wi-Fi. CCTV cameras have been installed for lab surveillance. Sufficient generator and UPS back up are installed to have the undisturbed teaching and learning process.</p>
 <p>We have all the systems and printer are connected in LAN. Extra efforts were taken by the lab assistant to keep everything on hand. Practical&rsquo;s are conducted under the supervision of trained IT and Computer staff.&nbsp;</p>
 <li>Browsing for project work</li>
 <li>To check &nbsp;Results</li>
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 <h3>Principal's Message</h3>

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 <h4><b>Principal MyCollege</b></h4> 
 <p>The prime objective of MyCollege is to focus majorly on providing a platform to a child so that he learns about his inner potential. The School believes in providing top quality education coupled with holistic growth of a child and aims to create a successful global citizen. In today’s dynamic world when every moment a new innovation in technology is evolved, the School provides ample opportunities to students to innovate and think critically and lead the learning process.</p> 

 <h3>Contact Form</h3>

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 <label for="fname">First Name</label>
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 <center>&copy;2022 Mycollege</center>

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