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in chapter 2 Life Processes in Living Organisms Part -1 by (98.9k points)
With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the five stages of prophase-I of meiosis.

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Most of the events that function to differentiate meiosis from mitosis occur in Prophase I


Homologous chromosomes form bivalents (or tetrads) and crossing over occurs between non-sister chromatids


Prophase I is divided into 5 distinctive sub-stages:


Leptotene – The chromosomes begin to condense and are attached to the nuclear membrane via their telomeres

Zygotene – Synapsis begins with a synaptonemal complex forming between homologous chromosomes

Pachytene – Crossing over of genetic material occurs between non-sister chromatids

Diplotene – Synapsis ends with disappearance of synaptonemal complex; homologous pairs remain attached at chiasmata

Diakinesis – Chromosomes become fully condensed and nuclear membrane disintegrates prior to metaphase I



Stages of Prophase I


prophase one

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