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in Letter Writing by (98.9k points)
Write a letter to The Chief Officer, Road Transport Authorities, drawing his attention to the problem of frequent traffic jams in your locality suggesting some solutions for the problem.

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by (98.9k points)
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7G, Rainbow Colony,
M.G. Road, Nana Peth,
Pune City- 441 002.
14th July 2019


The Chief Officer,
Road Transport Authorities,
Traffic Headquarters,
Pune- 411005.

Subject: Complaint regarding reckless driving by youngsters

Dear Sir/Madam,

I reside at Nanapeth, a locality that has wide roads and broad pavements. Unfortunately, our locality has become a potential danger-zone because of the growing instances of traffic jams. We know that the number of vehicles on the roads is on the rise and that there is no proportional increase in the number of roads. So, traffic jams are bound to happen.

It stretches one’s tolerance to the ultimate limit when buses and autos on this busy road show an appalling disregard for any kind of traffic law. I strongly suggest, on behalf of the residents of this neighbourhood, request you
deploy few such officers on this road, to bring this situation under check. Otherwise there is every chance that our locality will become an accident - prone - zone, where ordinary and innocent citizens will have to think twice before stepping out of their houses.

Yours truly,

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