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in MicroProcessor (MP) by (8.1k points)
Important Questions For Microprocessor (MP)

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As your microprocessor exam approaches, it’s important to focus on key topics and concepts to maximize your preparation. To assist you in your studies, we have compiled a list of important questions specifically tailored to the subject of microprocessors. These questions cover crucial aspects of microprocessor architecture, addressing modes, memory banks, interrupt structures, and more. By practicing these questions, you can strengthen your understanding and increase your chances of performing well in the exam. Good luck with your preparation, and we hope these questions aid you in achieving success in your microprocessor exam.


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1 Explain the memory bank of the 8086 processor and its working.
2 Explain the following instructions: DAA, AAA, XLAT, LAHF.
3 Explain the data cache of the Pentium processor or draw its block diagram.
4 Explain the interrupt structure of the 8086 processor (twice).
5 Draw and explain the timing diagram for a read operation in the minimum mode of the 8086 processor.
6 Explain the addressing modes of the 8086 processor (five times).
7 Describe the differences between the minimum and maximum modes in the 8086 processor.
9 Define segmentation and discuss its advantages (four times).
10 Design an 8086-based system for the minimum mode with the following requirements: 256KB ROM using 32KB * 8 devices, 512KB RAM using 64KB * 8 devices (three times).
11 Explain the difference between memory-mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O (three times).
12 Write a short note on the control register of the 80386 processor.
13 Discuss the differences between real mode and protected mode (twice).
14 Write an assembly program using string instructions and flag registers to exchange blocks of 1KB located at 01000H and 0200H (three times).
15 Explain the address translation mechanism used in the protected mode of the 80386 processor.
16 Repeat question: Discuss the differences between real mode and protected mode (twice).
17 Explain the branch prediction logic/mechanism (four times).
18 Explain the pipelining of the Pentium processor, both for floating-point operations (four times) and for integer operations (once).

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