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in other by (98.9k points)
Present your views on “School students shouldn‟t be given homework on


You may include the following points:

 Family time is more important during the holidays.

 For students who travel during the holidays, homework will prevent them from

learning from their trip

 Students might learn more from observing the real world

 More homework doesn‟t necessarily equate to higher achievement

 Kids need to spend time playing games and doing activities that they enjoy.

1 Answer

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by (98.9k points)
I firmly believe that school students should not be burdened with homework during their holidays. Holidays serve as a valuable break from the daily academic routine, allowing students to relax, rejuvenate, and spend quality time with their families. Here are the reasons why I support this viewpoint:

Firstly, holidays provide a much-needed opportunity for students to bond with their families. The time spent with loved ones is invaluable, fostering stronger relationships and creating cherished memories. It is during these breaks that students can engage in meaningful conversations, share experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of family values and traditions.

Secondly, holidays often involve travel and exploration. Students who embark on trips during their holidays have a chance to learn outside the confines of a classroom. Experiencing different cultures, witnessing historical sites, and immersing themselves in diverse environments can provide valuable life lessons and broaden their horizons. Assigning homework during holidays hinders their ability to fully engage and learn from these experiences.

Furthermore, the quantity of homework does not necessarily equate to higher academic achievement. It is the quality of learning that matters. Allowing students to have a break from homework during holidays encourages self-directed learning and exploration of personal interests. This freedom promotes creativity, critical thinking, and independent problem-solving skills, which are crucial for holistic development.

Additionally, children need time to engage in activities they enjoy and pursue their passions. Holidays offer the perfect opportunity for them to delve into sports, arts, hobbies, and other extracurricular activities. These activities not only provide joy and fulfillment but also develop skills that may not be nurtured within the confines of a traditional classroom.

In conclusion, school students deserve a respite from homework during holidays. It is a time for them to relax, spend quality time with family, explore the world, and pursue their interests. By allowing students this break, we promote their overall well-being, foster a love for learning beyond academic pressures, and support their holistic development.

Let us advocate for a balanced approach to education that values the importance of rest, family bonding, real-world experiences, and personal growth. By embracing this perspective, we can create an educational environment that nurtures the well-rounded development of our students.

Thank you for considering my views.

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