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in Python by (98.9k points)

The marks obtained by a student in 3 different subjects are input by the user. Your program should calculate the average of subjects and display the grade. The student gets a grade as per the following rules:

  1. Average        Grade

  2. 90-100        A

  3. 80-89        B

  4. 70-79        C

  5. 60-69        D

  6. 0-59        F

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by (98.9k points)
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# Grade calculator

print("Enter the marks you recieved in three subjects")
max = int(input("maximum marks in Every Subject"))

mks1 = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 1 "))

mks2 = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 2 "))

mks3 = int(input("Enter marks in Subject "))

total = ((mks1+mks2+mks3))

ptg = total*100/(3*max)

print("Your percentage ",ptg)

if 90 < ptg <= 100:
 print("Grade is A")

elif 80 < ptg <= 89:

 print("Grade is B")

elif 70 < ptg <= 79 :

 print("Grade is C")

elif 60 < ptg <= 69:

 print("Grade is D")

elif 0 < ptg <= 59:

 print("Grade is F")

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