semester 3 computer engineering syllabus mumbai university (Three)

Semester Three 3 computer engineering syllabus mumbai university

Hey , readers in this blog you will get to know complete syllabus of sem 3 for computer engineering ( Semester 3 computer engineering )

Semester 3 computer engineering Engineering Mathematics III

The course aims:
1 To learn the Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform of various functions, its
2 To understand the concept of Fourier Series, its complex form and enhance the problemsolving skills.
3 To understand the concept of complex variables, C-R equations with applications.
4 To understand the basic techniques of statistics like correlation, regression, and curve
fitting for data analysis, Machine learning, and AI.
5 To understand some advanced topics of probability, random variables with their
distributions and expectations.

Detailed Contents
Laplace Transform
Inverse Laplace Transform
Fourier Series
Complex Variables
Statistical Techniques

Most reffered book for computer engineering mathematics sem 3 is Kumbhojkar

Semester 3 computer engineering Discrete Structures and Graph Theory

The course aims:
1 Cultivate clear thinking and creative problem solving.
2 Thoroughly train in the construction and understanding of mathematical proofs. Exercise
common mathematical arguments and proof strategies.
3 To apply graph theory in solving practical problems.
4 Thoroughly prepare for the mathematical aspects of other Computer Engineering courses

Detailed Contents
Relations and Functions
Posets and Lattice
Algebraic Structures
Graph Theory

Semester 3 computer engineering Data Structure

The course aims:
1 To understand the need and significance of Data structures as a computer Professional.
2 To teach concept and implementation of linear and Nonlinear data structures.
3 To analyze various data structures and select the appropriate one to solve a specific realworld problem.
4 To introduce various techniques for representation of the data in the real world.
5 To teach various searching techniques.

Detailed Content
Introduction to Data Structures
Stack and Queues
Linked List
Searching Techniques

Semester 3 computer engineering Digital Logic & Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Objective:
1 To have the rough understanding of the basic structure and operation of basic digital circuits
and digital computer.
2 To discuss in detail arithmetic operations in digital system.
3 To discuss generation of control signals and different ways of communication with I/O
4 To study the hierarchical memory and principles of advanced computing.

Detailed Content
Computer Fundamentals
Data Representation and Arithmetic algorithms
Processor Organization and Architecture
Control Unit Design
Memory Organization
Principles of Advanced Processor and Buses

Semester 3 computer engineering Computer Graphics

Course Objectives
1 To equip students with the fundamental knowledge and basic technical competence in the
field of Computer Graphics.
2 To emphasize on implementation aspect of Computer Graphics Algorithms.
3 To prepare the student for advance areas and professional avenues in the field of Computer

Detailed Content
Introduction and Overview of Graphics System:
Output Primitives:
Two Dimensional Geometric Transformations
Two-Dimensional Viewing and Clipping
Three Dimensional Geometric Transformations, Curves and
Fractal Generation
Visible Surface Detection and Animation

Semester 3 computer engineering Data Structures Lab

Lab Objectives:
1 To implement basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues
2 Solve problem involving graphs, and trees
3 To develop application using data structure algorithms
4 Compute the complexity of various algorithms.

Semester 3 computer engineering Digital Logic & Computer Organization and Architecture Lab

Lab Objectives:
1 To implement operations of the arithmetic unit using algorithms.
2 Design and simulate different digital circuits.
3 To design memory subsystem including cache memory.
4 To demonstrate CPU and ALU design


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