Tag ai-ds ai-ds 42 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 1 Votes 1 Ans Management information system (AIDS) SEM 7 Important questions 411 viewsTeam Answered question November 24, 2024ai-ds imp questions mis sem 7 0 Votes 1 Ans Management information system AIDS sem 7 study material 489 viewsTeam Answered question November 24, 2024ai-ds imp questions mis sem 7 1 Votes 1 Ans Important questions in Data analysis and visualisation to pass and get good score in finals 1.30K viewsTeam Changed status to publish November 8, 2024ai-ds Data analytics & visualization DAV sem 6 0 Votes 0 Ans BDA AI&DS all previous year question papers? (For every subject if possible) 408 viewsTeam Posted new comment November 2, 2024ai ai-ds imp questions question papers sem 7 0 Votes 1 Ans Please share hadoop eco system diagram 521 viewsTeam Answered question November 1, 2024ai-ds 0 Votes 0 Ans Apply various text preprocessing techniques for any given text 1.45K viewsAI_11_Ajink. Gupta Asked question July 18, 2024ai-ds NLP 0 Votes 1 Ans Briefly explain database security. 3.05K viewsTeam Posted new comment May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 0 Ans Important questions in Image and video processing to pass and get good marks aids sem 6 1.29K viewsRitesh Maurya Asked question May 27, 2024ai-ds imp questions ivp sem 6 0 Votes 1 Ans Explain with suitable example how the Term Frequency Solved2.12K viewsTeam Selected answer as best May 18, 2024ai-ds DAV 0 Votes 1 Ans Explain digital signature scheme RSA. 1.58K viewsTeam Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans User A and B want to use RSA to communicate securely 2.32K viewsTeam Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans User A and B decide to use Diffie-Hellman algorithm to share a key. 1.50K viewsTeam Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans Explain memory and address protection in detail. 1.96K viewsSupriya Birajdar Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 1 Votes 1 Ans write short note on X.509 in CSS Solved1.52K viewsTeam Selected answer as best May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans Give the format of X.509 digital certificate and explain the use of a digital signature in it 1.40K viewsTeam Changed status to publish May 16, 2024ai-ds css 1 Votes 1 Ans short note on DNS attack 1.54K viewsTeam Posted new comment May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 2 Ans Encrypt “The key is hidden under the door” using playfair cipher with keyword “domestic”. Solved1.33K viewsTeam Selected answer as best May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans Describe services and mechanisms in CSS 2.35K viewsTeam Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans List and explain characteristics needed in secure hash function. 1.46K viewsTeam Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 0 Votes 1 Ans Enlist various functions of protocols of SSL. 1.68K viewsTeam Answered question May 16, 2024ai-ds css 1 2 3 Next »