Questions appeared in Deep Learning Question paper Dec & May – sem 7

Module 01: Fundamentals of Neural Networks

  1. What are Feed Forward Neural Networks?
  2. Explain Gradient Descent in Deep Learning.
  3. What are the Three Classes of Deep Learning, explain each?
  4. Design AND gate using Perceptron.
  5. Suppose we have N input-output pairs. Our goal is to find the parameters that predict the output y from the input x according to some function y = xw. Calculate the sum-of squared error function E between predictions y and inputs x. The parameter w can be determined iteratively using gradient descent. For the calculated error function E, derive the gradient descent update rule w ← w – α.

Module 02: Training, Optimization, and Regularization of Deep Neural Networks

  1. Explain the dropout method and its advantages.
  2. What are L1 and L2 regularization methods?
  3. What is the significance of Activation Functions in Neural Networks, explain different types of Activation functions used in NN.
  4. What are the different types of Gradient Descent methods, explain any three of them.
  5. Explain early stopping, batch normalization, and data augmentation.
  6. Explain Stochastic Gradient Descent and momentum-based gradient descent optimization techniques.
  7. What is an activation function? Describe any four activation functions.

Module 04: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

  1. Explain Pooling operation in CNN.
  2. Explain the architecture of CNN with the help of a diagram.
  3. Explain CNN architecture in detail. Suppose we have an input volume of 32323 for a layer in CNN and there are ten 5*5 filters with stride 1 and pad 2; calculate the number of parameters in this layer of CNN.
  4. Describe LeNET architecture.

This list includes all the relevant question

Team Answered question August 20, 2024