Privacy policy

At Doubtly, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users. We only store the email addresses of our users for login purposes and promotional emails. We will never share this information with any third-party services.

We allow users to post questions and answers freely, but we do not permit copyrighted material to be posted without permission. If we receive a complaint about copyrighted content, we will remove it immediately.

By posting content on Doubtly, you give us permission to make it available in any available form. We reserve the right to remove any content that violates our community guidelines.

We take pride in providing a respectful and supportive community for all our members. Anyone who violates our rules or causes disturbance to other members will be banned from the site for an indefinite period.

jsDelivr CDN plugin by Nextgenthemes

These are the assets loaded from jsDelivr CDN. Do not worry about old WP versions in the URLs, this is simply because the files were not modified. A sha384 hash check is used so you can be 100% sure the files loaded from jsDelivr are the exact same files that would be served from your server.


Level up your video embeds with ARVE or ARVE Pro