Principles of Communication Importance [MU SEM-3 IT]

Module-1: Introduction
A. Block Diagram of Communication System. [5M]
(Definition, Diagram and Explanation)
B. Explain Wired and Wireless Communication. [5M-10M]
C. Explain Modulation and Need for Modulation. [5M-10M]
(Definition, Diagram{Demodulation and need for Demodulation} , Explanation)

Module-2: Noise and Fourier Representation of Signal and System
A. Explain Fourier Transform with following. [5M-10M]

  1. Definition
  2. Formula
  3. Use
  4. Condition for Existence
  5. Merits/Advantage
  6. Limitations
  7. Properties
    B. Explain Inverse Fourier Transform with following. [5M]
  8. Definition
  9. Formula
  10. Use
  11. Condition for Existence
    C. State the Merits and Limitations of Fourier Transform. [5M]
    D. Name the properties of Fourier Transform. [5M]
    Define and State the formula:-
  12. Time Shifting
  13. Frequency Shifting
  14. Time Scaling
    E. State the Fourier Transform of Delta, Gate and Unit Step signal. [10M]
    F. State Convolution Theorem. [5M]
    G. Sums on Fourier Transform. [5M]
    H. What is Noise? Explain different types of Noise (Internal And External). [10M]
    I. Sums on Noise Factor, Noise Figure, Signal to Noise Ratio, Noise Temperature. [5M]
    J. Sums on Frizz Formula. [5M]
    Note:- From this module study only one i.e. Fourier or Noise.

Module 3: – Amplitude and Angle Modulation Techniques
A. Amplitude Modulation. [5M-10M]
Note:- This module is vast so its difficult to find out important topics, so study according to your knowledge.

Module-4: Pulse Analog Modulation and Digital Modulation
A. State and Prove the Sampling Theorem. [10M]
B. Explain Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM). [10M]

  1. Natural Sampling
  2. Flat top Sampling
    (Block diagram {Generation and Demodulation}, Definition, graph, advantage, disadvantage)
    C. Explain Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). [10M]
  3. Natural Sampling
  4. Flat top Sampling
    (Block diagram {Generation and Demodulation}, Definition, graph, advantage, disadvantage)
    D. Explain Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). [10M]
  5. Natural Sampling
  6. Flat top Sampling
    (Block diagram {Generation and Demodulation}, Definition, graph, advantage, disadvantage)

Module-5: Multiplexing and Digital Band Pass Modulation Techniques
A. Explain Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation and Pulse Width Modulation (Any 1). [10M]
(Block diagram, Definition, formula (if any), advantage, disadvantage)
B. State the drawback of Delta Modulation. [5M-10M]
(Slope overload noise, Granular noise)
C. State the difference between FDM and TDM. [5M]
D. State the difference between FDM and OFDM. [5M]
E. What are Line Codes? State the properties, types, advantages and disadvantages with given binary data. [10M]
F. State and Explain ASK,BPSK,PSK,FSK,QPSK (Any 1 or Any 2) [10M]
(Block diagram {Modulation and Demodulation}, Definition, Comparison Between them)

Module-6: Radiation and Propagation of Waves
A. Explain the types of Propagation. [5M]
B. In Ground Waves, explain what is Line of Sight (LOS) and MUF. [5M]
C. Explain the Sky Wave Propagation and State the following. [10M]

  1. Critical Frequency
  2. Virtual Height
  3. Skip Distance
  4. Skip Zone
    D. Explain the Space Wave Propagation. [5M]

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