How to Create an Vite React App , Vite is a lightning-fast, next-generation build tool that significantly enhances the development experience for React applications. Its unique approach to module bundling and hot module replacement (HMR) leads to near-instant server start and rapid updates during development, making it a compelling choice for modern React projects .
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a Vite React app from scratch, covering everything from installation to running your app and exploring key features:
- Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system. You can download it from
- npm: This package manager comes bundled with Node.js.
Installation and Project Creation:
- Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.
- Run the following command:
npm create vite@latest
// after following above command you will get options for name & templates
npm create vite@latest my-react-app --template react
Follow the prompts:
- You’ll be asked to choose between JavaScript and TypeScript. Select your preferred language.
- If you choose TypeScript, you’ll also be asked whether you want to use the default variant or a specific one
Navigate to the project directory:
cd my-react-app
Install dependencies:
npm install
Running the Development Server:
Start the development server:
npm run dev
This will launch the Vite development server, typically at http://localhost:3000. Open your browser and visit this address to see your React app running.
Project Structure:
├── public/
│ └── index.html
├── src/
│ ├── App.jsx (or App.tsx)
│ ├── index.jsx (or index.tsx)
│ ├── main.jsx (or main.tsx)
│ └── ... (other components and files)
├── vite.config.js (or vite.config.ts)
├── package.json
└── ... (other files)
- public/index.html: The main HTML file for your app.
- src/: Contains your React components and other source code.
- vite.config.js (or vite.config.ts): The configuration file for Vite.
Key Features of Vite:
- Lightning-fast HMR: Vite’s HMR is incredibly fast, allowing you to see changes in your app almost instantly as you save your code. This significantly improves development productivity.
- Native ES modules: Vite leverages native ES modules in modern browsers, eliminating the need for bundling during development. This results in faster server start and module loading.
- Production optimization: When building for production, Vite bundles your app and optimizes it for performance.
- TypeScript and JSX support: Vite provides first-class support for TypeScript and JSX, ensuring type safety and a smooth development experience.
- Plugin ecosystem: Vite has a growing ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality, allowing you to customize your development workflow and add features like CSS pre-processing, code linting, and more.
Additional Tips:
- Explore the Vite documentation: The official Vite documentation ( is an excellent resource for learning more about its features and configuration options.
- Use plugins: Vite’s plugin ecosystem offers a wide range of tools to enhance your development experience. Consider using plugins for tasks like CSS pre-processing, code linting, and more.
- Leverage TypeScript: If you’re working on a large-scale project, using TypeScript can help you catch errors early and improve code maintainability.
- Optimize for production: When building for production, make sure to optimize your app for performance. Vite provides various options for code splitting, asset optimization, and more.