Big Data Analytics Question Papers Collection – sem 7

Paper 01

Duration: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 80


  1. Question 1 is compulsory
  2. Answer any three out of the remaining five questions
  3. Assume any suitable data wherever required and justify the same


Q1. (20 Marks)

  • a) Explain how big data problems are handled by Hadoop system. [5]
  • b) Mention four characteristics of big data and explain in detail. [5]
  • c) List and explain the core business drivers behind the NoSQL movement. [5]
  • d) Explain the concept of bloom filter with an example. [5]

Q2. (20 Marks)

  • a) What is graph store? Give an example where a graph store can be used to effectively solve a particular business problem. [10]
  • b) Write a map reduce pseudo code for word count problem. Illustrate with an example showing all the steps. [10]

Q3. (20 Marks)

  • a) Suppose the stream is S = {4, 2, 5, 9, 1, 6, 3, 7}. Let hash functions h(x) = 3x + 7mod 32 for some a and b, treat result as a 5-bit binary integer. Show how the Flajolet-Martin algorithm will estimate the number of distinct elements in this stream. [10]
  • b) Describe applications of data visualization. [10]

Q4. (20 Marks)

  • a) Explain selection and projection relational algebraic operation using MapReduce. [10]
  • b) Explain DGIM algorithm for counting ones in a stream with example. [10]

Q5. (20 Marks)

  • a) Determine communities for the given social network graph using Girvan-Newman algorithm. [10]
  • b) Consider the following data frame:
course id class marks
1      11  1    56
2      12  2    75
3      13  1    48
4      14  2    69
5      15  1    84
6      16  2    53

i. Create a subset of course less than 5 by using [ ] brackets and demonstrate the output.
ii. Create a subset where the course column is less than 4 or the class equals to 1 by using subset () function and demonstrate the output. [10]

Q6. (20 Marks)

  • a) Write a script to create a dataset named data1 in R containing the following text:
    • Text: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.7, 7, 8.1, 9
    • Explain the various functions provided by R to combine different sets of data. [10]
  • b) Describe collaborative filtering in recommendation system. [10]

Paper 02

Duration: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 80


  1. Q.1 is compulsory
  2. Attempt any three from the remaining
  3. Assume suitable data


Q1. (20 Marks)

  • a) Explain Edit distance measure with an example. [5]
  • b) When it comes to big data how NoSQL scores over RDBMS. [5]
  • c) Give difference between Traditional data management and analytics approach Versus Big data Approach [5]
  • d) Give Applications of Social Network Mining [5]

Q2. (20 Marks)

  • a) What is Hadoop? Describe HDFS architecture with diagram. [10]
  • b) Explain with block diagram architecture of Data stream Management System. [10]

Q3. (20 Marks)

  • a) What is the use of Recommender System. How is classification algorithm used in recommendation system. [10]
  • b) Explain the following terms with diagram [10]
    1. Hubs and Authorities
    2. Structure of the Web

Q4. (20 Marks)

  • a) What do you mean by Counting Distinct Elements in a stream. Illustrate with an example working of an Flajolet-Martin Algorithm used to count number of distinct elements. [10]
  • b) Explain different ways by which big data problems are handled by NoSQL. [10]

Q5. (20 Marks)

  • a) Describe Girwan-Newman Algorithm. For the following graph show how the Girvan Newman algorithm finds the different communities. [10]
  • b) What is the role of JobTracker and TaskTracker in MapReduce. Illustrate Map Reduce execution pipeline with Word count example. [10]

Q6. (20 Marks)

  • a) Compute the page rank of each page after running the PageRank algorithm for two iterations with teleportation factor Beta (β) value = 0.8 [10]
  • b) What are the challenges in clustering of Data streams. Explain stream clustering algorithm in detail. [10]

Paper 03

Duration: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 80


  1. Question 1 is compulsory
  2. Answer any three out of the remaining five questions
  3. Assume any suitable data wherever required and justify the same


Q1. (20 Marks)

  • a) Distinguish between Name node and Data node. [5]
  • b) List and explain the core business drivers behind the NoSQL movement. [5]
  • c) Mention four characteristics of big data. Elaborate these characteristics with respect to social media websites. [5]
  • d) List and explain the different issues and challenges in data stream query processing. [5]

Q2. (20 Marks)

  • a) What is a key-value store? What are the benefits of using a key-value store? [10]
  • b) Write a map reduce pseudo code to multiply two matrices. Apply map reduce working to perform following matrix multiplication. [10]
1 2      6 7
3 4      8 9

Q3. (20 Marks)

  • a) Suppose the stream is S = {2, 1, 6, 1, 5, 9, 2, 3, 5}. Let hash functions h(x) = ax + b mod 16 for some a and b, treat result as a 4-bit binary integer. Show how the Flajolet-Martin algorithm will estimate the number of distinct elements, h(x) = 4x + 1 mod 16. [10]
  • b) Consider the following data frame: [10]
course id class marks
1      11  1    56
2      12  2    75
3      13  1    48
4      14  2    69
5      15  1    84
6      16  2    53
  • i. Create a subset of course less than 3 by using [ ] brackets and demonstrate the output.
    ii. Create a subset where the course column is less than 3 or the class equals to 2 by using subset () function and demonstrate the output.

Q4. (20 Marks)

  • a) Explain natural join and grouping and aggregation relational algebraic operation using MapReduce. [10]
  • b) With a neat sketch, explain the architecture of the data-stream management system. [10]

Q5. (20 Marks)

  • a) Determine communities for the given social network graph using Girvan-Newman algorithm. [10]
  • b) List and discuss various types of data structures in R. [10]

Q6. (20 Marks)

  • a) i. The following table shows the number of units of different products sold on different days: [10]
Product    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bread      12     3       5         11       9
Milk       21     27      18        20       15
Cola Cans  10     1       33        6        12
Chocolate  6      7       4         13       12
Detergent  5      8       12        20       23
  • Create five sample numeric vectors from this data.
  • ii. Name and explain the operators used to form data subsets in R.
  • b) Define collaborative filtering. Using an example of an e-commerce site like flipkart or amazon describe how it can be used to provide recommendation to users. [10]

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