COA Important Question’s Sem 4 : IT Engineering

COA Important Question’s Sem 4 : IT Engineering

Module 01 : Fundamentals of Logic Design

  1. Full Adder with Diagram
  2. Flip -Flops
  3. MultiPlexer and DeMultiPlexer
  4. K- Map

Module 02 : Overview of COA

  1. Addresssing Modes in 8086
  2. Architecture of 8086
  3. Minimum & Maximum Mode 8086
  4. Von-Neumann Architecture
  5. Amdahl’s Law
  6. Arithmetic Instruction of 8086
  7. Computer Organization vs Computer Architecture

Module 03 : Processor Organization and Architecture

  1. Various Pipeline Hazards with Example
  2. Flynn’s Classification
  3. Hardwired and Microprogrammed Controll Unit (Diagram + Thry + Campare)

Module 04 : Data Representation and Arithmetic Algorithms

  1. Booth’s Algorithm
  2. Convert to IEEE 754 etc
  3. Restoring Division technique

Module 05 : Memory Organization

  1. Memory Hieararchy
  2. Cache Memory Mapping Techniques
  3. assembly language program to :
    • Count NUmber of 0’s and 1’s in 8bit
    • add two 16bit BCD numbers
    • packed BCD to Unpacked BCD number

Module 06 : I/O Organization

  1. Explain Concept of DMA with Diagram
  2. What is programmed Contrilled I/O

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