Module 04 – Social Computing (SC):
1. Describe the benefits of social commerce to customers.
2. Discuss the significance of social computing in marketing in detail.
3. Define CRM. Describe the different types of CRM.
4. Compare and contrast Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 with example.

Module 05 – Computer Networks:
5. Explain the applications of Computer Networks.
6. List the main difference between Wireless and Wired Technologies?
7. Explain the different types of Network Protocols.
8. Describe technologies that underline pervasive computing, providing examples of how business can utilize them?
11. What do you mean by CAAS, SAAS, IASS? Give the application of each of these.

Module 06 – Information System within Organization:
9. Describe the tools that augment the traditional SDLC.
10. What are the functional areas of Information system? Explain in detail.
12. Describe the four fundamental business decisions that organizations must make when acquiring information systems.

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